Sunday, 31 August 2014

11 things that make women look stupid

The thing with a good book is that it never gets “old,” and is always relevant. Such is the book Ten Stupid Things Women Do To Mess Up Their Lives by Dr. Laura Schlessinger, a family counselor and popular radio host whose show is syndicated internationally. 
Dr. Laura’s book, first published in 1994, remains timely because many women still do “some stupid things” at one point or another in their lives.
Dr. Laura has inspired us to compile our own list of “Eleven Stupid Things Women Do.” Some of the traits cited on this list were culled from Dr. Laura’s book. Others came from websites that offer relationship advice.
We are certain that women (and men too) commit stupid mistakes that are not on this list but here are some of the things we can avoid if we want to have a happy and uncomplicated life.
1. Having wrong ideas about "courtship"
Dr. Laura says women who are desperate to have a man often make rash and stupid dating choices. While having someone attracted to us is an “enormous ego gratification,” Dr. Laura says women should avoid being on the “loser track” by falling for an “inappropriate man.”
She says dating should be about selecting and getting to know the right person instead of committing ourselves too quickly to the wrong person.
2. Being excessively devoted to the wrong person
Dr. Laura says women can sometimes be obstinate and remain devoted to guys who are not worth it because they are disrespectful, dishonest, unfaithful, and so on. She notes that women with low self-esteem tend to force things to work out with the wrong man.
“There are two powerful motivations for making it work with the most available guy–attempting to heal past hurts and avoiding risks. Sadly, neither works for long…” she said. 
3. Being too passionate
In her book, Dr. Laura says some women think, “if we’re breathing hard, it must be love.” However, she asks, “Is one night in ‘heaven’ worth the aftermath from hell?"
Dr. Laura says women must beware of the Don Juans of this world who promise to give the ladies pleasure but only set them up for pain and heartbreak. She says, “Sex never works as a hoped-for cure or anesthesia for feelings of inadequacy, emptiness, shame, loneliness, fearfulness, self-disgust, and more.” 
She adds, “Sex-too-soon can end up making you feel more self-denigrated, desperate, and terribly alone.”
4. Not realizing one's worth
Dr. Laura says women sometimes do not realize their worth and let others abuse or take advantage of them. She says, “It is your job as a woman, as a person, to become as fully realized as you can by having dreams, forging a purpose, building an identity, having courage, and making commitments to things outside yourself.” 
5. Not taking care of oneself
The website “Modern Mom Parenting" reminds girls that “your body is where you live and you want to treat it the best way you can.”
Elizabeth Scott, M.S. suggests “making a concerted effort to take care of your own needs, and to maintain healthy habits to keep your reserves up, can help you to feel more in control of your life.” 
6. Not being courageous
Dr. Laura lamented that when bad things happen to women, they usually “feel hurt,” instead of having the courage to express a healthy and righteous anger. She said women must take active steps in redressing, improving or escaping from a bad situation. 
The website “Modern Mom Parenting" says, “Always dare to say and do what you think is right. Never be afraid of speaking your mind. Learn when and how to say "No" and not feel bad about it. Be assertive, not aggressive.”
7. Being jealous and insecure
The website “Tips for Success.Org” says, “Nothing can ruin a relationship or marriage faster than jealously. Jealousy creates anxiety, anger, loneliness, hate, fear. No one thinks clearly when jealous.”
“Having a relationship with a jealous person is tough. The jealous person acts untrusting or unworthy. Jealousy makes the person unattractive, even repulsive,” it adds
8. Being careless and immodest
Some women seem to be unaware of the danger of being sexually harassed when they dress immodestly. Writer Jeff Pollard, in an article entitled “Christian Modesty Defined,” writes, “Modesty is not first an issue of clothing. It is primarily an issue of the heart. If the heart is right with God, it will govern itself in purity coupled with humility and will express itself modestly.”
“When a woman dresses to fit into an evil and worldly society by choosing clothes that pleases the tastes of both men and women, she sins. When she dresses to entice or receive the admiring glances of the opposite sex, she defrauds and sins,” he says.  
The Catechism of the Catholic Church, on the other hand, says, "Purity requires modesty, an integral part of temperance. Modesty protects the intimate center of the person. It means refusing to unveil what should remain hidden." 
9. Not being committed to a relationship
According to Top Dating, “Men want a woman who will commit to them. Though increasingly this is hard to find, it doesn't take away the wish. Men want a girlfriend who they can share with and trust and be open with.”
10. Being dishonest and unfaithful
The website “Psychology Today” says, “To be trusted one must behave in trustworthy ways. Never give your partner any reason to doubt your loyalty or devotion. Whenever you are away from each other check in regularly to let them know you're okay.”
11. Not being caring and compassionate
American author and poet Maya Angelou once said, “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said. People will forget what you did but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
“Psychology Today” says, “Kindness and courtesy are perhaps the most under-valued and under-used human virtues.” It adds that controversy and conflict can be resolved with a single act of kindness. –KG, GMA News
Dr. Laura Schlessinger holds a Ph.D. in physiology from Columbia University's College of Physicians and Surgeons, and received her post-doctoral certification in Marriage, Family, and Child Counseling from the University of Southern California.
Her book Ten Stupid Things Women Do To Mess Up Their Lives first published in 1994 by Vallard Books (a division of Random House), was a New York Times bestseller.


There is no doubt that there a lot of ways to make money onlinebut what are the main ones? This is something that a lot ofInternet marketers and bloggers do not seem to put the focus on. A newbie can easily be overloaded with information and to avoid that, it’s better to list them the main ways! Being a newbie, it’s often hard to start an online business and make money with it in a short time. Good mentoring and proper guidance will help any newbie start having some success. However, taking action is the best option as you have to implement what you have learned!
Now, when it comes to online money making ideas for Blogs, we have many ad network which are like plug and play system. For example, Google Adsense is one of the best ad network, which adds into your recurring income. Though, you need to have a high-traffic website to earn handsome income from it. So, in this post, I will share some more ideas, which a blogger can integrate into their Blog and make money from it.
I also recommend you to read: How ShoutMeLoud makes money, this will give you an idea about, how Harsh has creating multiple-level of income source and probably you can implement 1-2 of his technique on your blog. Also, check out latest Monthly income report, which will be a motivational and will be an inspiration for all bloggers, who dream about making money from their Website.

Simple & Effective Online Money making ideas:

As I mentioned, instead of taking typical adsense route, I will be giving you some alternative money making suggestions, which will help you to boost your income to next level. Specially, if you have been blogging for long and relying on Adsense for income, it’s time to move to next level and integrate some of those techniques which is used by Pro-bloggers.
1) Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing is a marketing practice in which a business rewards an affiliate for each visitor or customer brought by the affiliate’s marketing efforts. You can advertise products on your website or blog to either help sell the merchant’s products or to send potential customers to the merchant’s website. If someone buys from your affiliate link, you will receive a commission that can be of any percentage (10 percent to as high as 75 percent) from the product’s original worth or price.
Specially, if you are into Gadget and tech field, you can easily start with Amazon affiliate program. If you are into Blogging niche, you can start with Web hosting affiliate programs,Thesis affiliate program and many more. I suggest you to browse CJ and clickbank marketplace, and browse the affiliate opportunities.
2) Product creation
All around the World Wide Web, people are looking for information that will help them in life or for their own online business! If you have skills, you can write an eBook or create a software but this some good programming skills (HTML, PHP,etc.). I rather find that this is the most profitable way to make money online….why? Because you can sell thousands of copies if you have a huge number of affiliates.
Your product could sell for years and years if it’s of good quality and if you market it well. However, do not expect to get rich overnight as this is a long process. You have to market your product well and promote it properly so you can start selling your products in large quantity! Though the best part about this technique is, you just need to work one time for product creation and promotion, and later on your affiliates and reseller will promote your product for affiliate income. A Blogger can start with creating an eBook and sell it on Amazon, E-junkie and many such online marketplace.
3) Blogging for Profit
Blogging is definitely one of the ways to make money online but it’s also just a hobby for many people. You can blog for fun or for money but I would suggest to blog for money if you can. To earn handsome money from your website, you have to create good content and market your blog well and you will start generating revenues.
As  long as you write good content and threat your visitors well, you will start making money. The thing I like blogging is that you can sell advertising spots on your blog or build a list of hungry subscribers with it! Also, try multiple ad networks, for example: Adsenseinfolinks,BuyselladsCPM adsIn-text advertising or you can use above two ideas and implement it on your blog.
Now, one thing which you need to know: Having a blog doesn”t guarantee that you will bemaking money, infact you need to have a proper blog business plan and pick a niche, which will be super profitable in terms of revenue. For example, finance and health are one of the top Adsense paying niche, similarly based on your interest, pick a niche which you have good command with and you can convert it into cash-cow.
4) Email Marketing
Internet marketers are consistently praising the power of email marketing because it’s really a good way to make money.  Haven’t you heard of the quote ‘ Money Is In The List ‘ ? You can build a list of hungry subscribers and promote them your business or products that will help them grow their business. What stops you from getting 100,000 subscribers?  You can promote your own products to your list or even other people’s products. There is no question that building a list is fundamental in order to make money online.
5) Domain/Website Flipping
Website Flipping refers to creating or buying a website and then fixing it up and selling it to make some money. There are a lot of factors that will at what price you can sell your domain such the time spent on developing, optimizing, and getting traffic to your website. You can sell a website from 10$ to 1,000000 $, it all depends on the website’s traffic and overall worth.
I suggest you to look into most expensive domain names, and it will give you an idea on how much money you can easily make by just selling exclusive domain names.  Here is a list of Websites which you can use to sell websites and out of them, my personal fav. is Flippa.
6) Sell hosting + Domain
One of the easy to implement online money making ideas is to sell domains and hosting under your brand. There are many domain and hosting registrar company and you can be white labeled reseller with them. If you do the promotion of your Hosting service really well, you can make huge income out of it. I suggest you to start with resellerclub, which is one of the top domain reseller service and requires 0 fees to get started. You will be spending 4000 INR ($80) initially, which you can use to purchase domains for yourself or for your clients. You can check out ShoutMyDomain, which uses the same Resellerclub program.
There are many more ways which you can integrate and earn handsome online money. Though, to avoid information overload I have listed down some of the major once, which you can easily use and something that is working for others

What do Dreams Say About our Personality

Can you determine someone's personality type by looking at their dreams? Here's what dream expert Veronica Tonay has to say in her book, Every Dream Interpreted(Chrysalis Books plc, 2003):
A few studies have tried to link waking personality with people's dreams, but the results were not as extensive as you might think, considering that so much of ourselves appears in our dreams. What we do know:
  • Type A personalities (driven people who experience almost constant inner pressure) have more disturbing dreams than type B personalities (calmer, relaxed individuals).
  • People who report dreams in the "twilight" portion of sleep (as they are falling asleep) tend to be less anxious, more poised, self-accepting and less conforming than people who don't remember such dreams. Those who don't recall "twilight" dreams tend to be more authoritarian in waking life and also behave in a typically authoritarian way in their dreams: they conform to the group and condemn those who don't.
  • Sensitizers, people who are aware of their anxiety and tend to feel it more strongly, tend to dream more often of future events and of the past than do people who repress their feelings when awake.
  • Creative people place their dreams in unusual, varied settings (compared to the more frequent home dreams of less creative people); dream of creative pursuits; have dreams of loss, children and trying to overcome obstacles in nature. The frequency of their sexual dreams varies depending on whether or not they are actually doing something creative in their waking lives.
  • Intuitive people (who tend to be creative) remember more "big" numinous, archetypal dreams than do people who prefer to take in information through their five senses.
  • Introverts (people who focus on the inner world of ideas and feelings) recall more "little" everyday dreams than do extroverts. However, extroverts and introverts tend to recall archetypal dreams just as often.
  • Thinking types, who make decisions based on logical analysis, tend to have more emotional dreams/tend to experience more emotions in their dreams than do feeling types, who make decisions based on principles and values.
Numinous vs. Personal Unconscious Dreams
Numinous — or archetypal "big" dreams — are vivid and memorable. They may be mythological (simlar in structure and theme to a folk tale or story) and contain archetypes.
Personal Unconscious — or "little" dreams — are less vivid and memorable. They reflect everyday concerns and contain real-life scenarios and characters.